Lamb wave dispersion curves for isotropic media

The theory for guided acoustic waves in plates was developed by Rayleigh and Lamb in 1888. The set of differential equations that govern waves in bulk media with additional boundary conditions can describe waves propagating in half-spaces, plates, cylindrical shells and other bounded media. Depending on the specific boundary conditions, different wave types may dominate in the system. A plate like structure with two free boundaries gives rise to Lamb waves, which are also known as Rayleigh-Lamb waves or generalized Rayleigh waves. The characteristic equations for Lamb wave modes are: $$ \frac{\tan{(\beta d/2})}{\tan{(\alpha d/2)}} = \frac{4 \alpha \beta k^2}{(k^2 - \beta^2)^2}, \\ \frac{\tan{(\beta d/2)}}{\tan{(\alpha d/2)}} = \frac{(k^2 - \beta^2)^2}{4\alpha\beta k^2} $$ $$\text{where,} \quad \alpha^2 = \frac{\omega^2}{{c_l}^2} - k^2 \quad \text{ and } \quad \beta^2 = \frac{\omega^2}{{c_t}^2} - k^2. $$ This web service enables computation of dispersion curves for Lamb waves in isotropic media.

mm/uS mm/μS
mm mm/uS